Glass House Numbers & Fanlights

Various glass types can be used for house numbers and fanlights. such as etched glass, leadlights & stained glass.
House Numbers and fanlights as you can see from the above photos are a simple and effective way of emphasizing your property number,
at Art Glass we have various design that can be incorporated into the glass to match your property.
Below you will see just a few exmaples of how we can use house numbers with borders.
Price on application.
Etched Glass House Numbers.

Etched glass house number examples, you can have borders to match your fanlight in doors for example.
Different styles of fanlights borders & numbers in different customer sizes.
Below, you'll see a range of borders available that we can add to your glass.
Glass Type | 4mm Toughened Cut To Size | Min Price Per Panel | Price Sq Mtr |
Borders With No Number | £90.75 +VAT | £363.00 +VAT |
Borders & Number | £99.00 +VAT | £396.00 +VAT |
This effect can be used in various types of glass panels, please see below examples.
Fonts: we have a wide array of fonts on file, but if customers have a specific font in mind, please let us know and we'll let you know if it's available.
Bespoke Fanlights/Transoms
Not only do we supply house numbers with borders,
but we can also supply glass with images etched into it, like the liver bird fanlight below,
if you're intreasted please email us a design image and your sizes for a price.

Etched Glass Fanlights With Colour

Customers can also have colours dropped into their etched fanlights, like the "Celyn" fanlight below with red type and borders. We have four colours to choose from, red, amber, green, and blue.
These are price on application
Please be aware, these are much more expensive than our standard etched range, depending on colour and sizes.

House Number Leadlights & Stained Glass.
While some customers would prefer more colour in their fanlights, we offer our leadlight & stained glass service like the images below, you can read more about this service on out leadlights page.
*All goods will be supplied subject to VAT @ 20% When ordering any glass off our website please make sure you provide the correct sizes including the correct tolerances. We can not take any responsibility for sizes that have been provided incorrectly! Information on glass sizes can be found on our MEASURE UP page, or if you require any further information on measuring up please contact us we are always here to help.